关于召开第九届土壤与地下水国际研讨会的通知 2023-7-10 中国环境科学学会
Hosted by the Chinese Society for Environmental Sciences, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, and the Chengdu University of Technology.
The theme of the conference is to promote scientific and technological innovations and remediation technologies for soil and groundwater contamination.
Under Topic 9: 地下水有机污染协同修复技术及案例 Collaborative remediation technology and cases of organic pollution in groundwater:
Professor Steve Chang from the University Chung Yuan, Taiwan will present IEG’s remediation technologies with the title:
“The different applications of Groundwater Circulation Well (IEG-GCW ®) remediation technology. 張魯鈞(中原大學) & Eduard J. Alesi (IEG Technology)
You can find the entire program here: https://a.xiumi.us/board/v5/4RBlH/467205050]